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Leave a MessageSubmitted by: Lonnie Davis
From: Maryland
Added: 02/05/2024
Submitted by: Norm Hahn
From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Added: 01/22/2024
1-22-2024: The 2024 Gulfport All Seabee Reunion, which includes the NMCB 62 Reunion forms are published and available. If you didn't get your reunion forms, email me and I'll email them to you.Submitted by: BU1 James A. Schoelen
From: Oklahoma
Added: 01/21/2024
Hello Fellow Seabees,I am looking for all Atsugi, Japan detachment personnel (roughly OCT 1978). The main body was in Guam for the MAY 1978 to JAN 1979 deployment. You may have been exposed to asbestos dust while we undertook the demolition of a two-story barracks building on NAS Atsugi. We gutted both floors to bare studs and rebuilt smaller private rooms and restrooms for the US Marines coming off a Navy air craft carrier for drydock in Yokohama, Japan. We were not warned of possible exposure to asbestos while we knocked down room partitions, stripped walls and ceilings and then shoveled and swept the debris into wheelbarrows and dumped it into trash chutes that led to waiting dump trucks. We did not have the necessary respiratory protective equipment nor protective clothing that is required for asbestos removal currently. I discovered a page (Chronological Record of Medical Care Standard Form 600) in my medical record that someone had written in red felt tip marker "Exposed to asbestos dust" on the page. The form is not signed nor dated but does include my identifying information in the bottom right corner. My BU3 rank listed on the page also corresponds to the Atsugi detachment time frame. I am currently filing a disability claim through the VA as a VA CT scan shows interstitial fibrosis (which is associated with asbestos exposure) in the bottom of both of my lungs. I am looking for any other Seabees from that detachment that found the same medical record or may have also been or are currently dealing with the same diagnosis. Please contact me.
Jim Schoelen
Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary/Treasurer
From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Added: 01/03/2024
The server (website device) that supports this website has been paid up through 31 July 2052.That means this website you are reading right now will continue for 28 more years. Then the next NMCB 62 Secretary/Treasurer will renew it again.
Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Alumni Group Secretary
From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Added: 11/25/2023
11-25-2023: This note is from Plankowner Roman Hnatowski:"Hope this email finds all in good health and happiness!
On a recent trip to the Wall, in DC, while paying respects to our Brothers and of course also wearing my Seabee ball cap, I was approached by Michael Croan, his email address appears below.
He stated that he was doing research on Seabees in Vietnam and their experiences.
I told him that while the current moment was inconvenient, I would be happy, upon returning home, to extend his invitation to my Brothers.
This might be a great time to give each of you, and MCB 62, the credit and recognition you all deserve. I invite you, if comfortable, to participate!
Hoping to hear/read of your views in the near future. I know you’ll also remember those Brothers who were not as fortunate as we, to not only come home, but raise families, have the honor and pleasure to reunite and to live to our current ripe old age, despite the fog of war and it’s consequences! There are also at least 11 of our own group that no longer can recount their story as you can; please remember those Brothers as well!
Take Care & God Bless."
V/r, Roman
If you are interested in participating Michael Croan's email address is
Submitted by: Patricia Brown
From: Florida
Added: 11/16/2023
I just found this site and looked for my dad. He was Francis Freeman that was called"Pappy" by the men he served with. He was one of the first people to go to Gulfport Mississippi in 1966. I would imagine that most of his battalion have gone to their reward. But if anybody would like to contact me, I would like to hear from them.Submitted by: EO1 Sam Marotta
From: San Diego CA
Added: 10/13/2023
Seeking Seabees who did the PR and Oki deployments.1983-86.
Submitted by: John Denune
From: Ohio
Added: 09/25/2023
Looking for original military yearbook (1944) 62nd CB Minutemen. My Uncle Ralph Brohard is in it several places, and I would dearly love to have a copy and more than willing to pay.Submitted by: Norm Hahn
From: Eau Claire, WI
Added: 09/19/2023
I made an error on the post (below) about the 2024 NMCB 62 ANNUAL meeting Sunday morning. I should have said our meeting is going to be held in April, the same month as the reunion.This is correct:
NMCB 62 will hold our annual meeting on Sunday morning, 14 APRIL 2024 in the main ball room, probably from 0930 to 1130. At 1200 will be the final picnic meal in the main ball room. The "official" reunion will be over then. BUT, NMCB 62 will hold its final party that Sunday afternoon by the hotel pool.
Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary
From: Eau Claire, WI
Added: 09/18/2023
9-18-2023: For All: I asked Bob Smith of Island X-1 for the dates of the 2024 All Seabee Gulfport Reunion. Here is his reply:📷Robert Smith
NMCB 62 will hold our annual meeting on Sunday morning, 14 May 2024 in the main ball room, probably from 0930 to 1130. At 1200 will be the final picnic meal in the main ball room. The "official" reunion will be over then. BUT, NMCB 62 will hold its final party that Sunday afternoon by the hotel pool.
I was stationed at Gulfport, Miss. from Dec. 1971 - April 1973, Deployed to Roosevelt Roads,P.R. and Diego Garcia. Seeking to communicate with anyone that served with me.