Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 62 Alumni Group

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Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, WI 54703


Added: 08/05/2023


People ask:

Whose names are on your list in this website??

Is my old buddy so and so on your list??

These are the most emailed questions I get asked.

The answer to both those questions is in link # 20. Link # 20 is ALL 2585 of the names contained in our NMCB 62 database.

If your buddy's name is not on link # 20 that means he has not contacted me, or died before he could contact me.

If you know of a Minuteman buddy who has died, send me an email and tell me he has died. I will make that change and update his database.

If you have a good Seabee story about your buddy, send me an email telling me the story and I'll put that in his database.

Submitted by: jim swank

From: daingerfield,tx.


Added: 07/22/2023


i was one of the hill 55 boys. this has been on my mind for a couple of years now. several of us got purple hearts, but as far as i know only the xo who stayed at red beach got a bronze star. how is that possible?

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, WI.


Added: 07/20/2023


7-20-2023: Greetings: If any of you NMCB 62 Dues Paying Alumni Members have forgotten or lost your password, send me an email, and I will email your password letter to you. Not a problem.

If any non-members want to become Dues Paying Alumni Members, send me an email,, and I'll email you how to do that. It costs less than 3 CENTS a day to be an Alumni Dues paying member. Membership gets you TOTAL access to this website 24-7.

Submitted by: Norm - Secretary

From: Eau Claire, WI.


Added: 06/29/2023


6-29-2023: Good News: the photos of our 2023 NMCB 62 & All Seabee Gulfport Reunion are now on this website. See them on link #2, photos.

Submitted by: Norm - NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 06/28/2023


The 2024 NMCB 62 reunion will be held on Thursday 25 April through Sunday 28 April, 2024 in Gulfport, Mississippi. We will have our NMCB 62 annual business meeting on Sunday morning, 28 April at the hotel prior to the final reunion picnic at noon. This event will also be the 2024 Gulfport All Seabee Reunion. Plan now and mark the dates on your calendar.

More details will be posted as they become available.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn

From: Eau Claire, WI


Added: 05/28/2023


Many are asking where they can get decals for their vehicle and other Seabee stuff. Check these guys out:

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, WI


Added: 05/13/2023


5-13-2023: Here is the address of the National Archives to use if you want to get a copy of your service record:

Submitted by: Norm Hahn

From: Eau Claire, WI.


Added: 04/04/2023


4-4-2023: here is the link to the Camp Lejeune water problems for the 1st & 2nd deployments:
The URL is:

Submitted by: Norm Hahn

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 02/04/2023


The 2023 reunion forms have been mailed out. NMCB 62 will be a big participant.

If YOU didn't get your packet and are planning on attending the April 2023 Gulfport reunion,

email me right away and I'll email you all of the registration and reunion forms.

Some of the planned events have a limited amount of people who can go. It is 1st come, 1st serve.

The NMCB 62 Alumni Group is planning on our annual meeting Sunday morning, 30 April 2023.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 01/24/2023


1-21-2023: I just got (in the mail) the Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Inc., Gulfport All Seabee Reunion registration and event forms from Thursday, April 27 thru Sunday, 30 April 2023. It looks like it will be a great reunion with good events. If you don't get yours in the mail by next Friday, 27 Jan, email me and I'll email you all the stuff, provided that YOU have completely filled out your NMCB 62 database. If your not sure if you have completely filled out your database, email me for a copy.